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What Shockwave therapy can do that you can't do with your hands?

Carpal Tunnel syndrome

Small joints treatment

Tennis elbow

Achillodynia treatment

Hamstrings treatment

Tibialis anterior syndrome treatment

Wrist treatment

Trigger points treatment

Heel spur treatment

Hip pain treatment

Patellar pain treatment

Groin pain treatment


Biologiske effekter:

An Overview of shock wave therapy in musculoskeletal disorders

Biological effects of extracorporeal shockwave in bone healing. A study in rabbits

Current knowledge on evidence-based shockwave treatments for shoulder pathology

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy - theory and equipment

High-Energy Shock Waves Alter cytosolic calcium mobilization in single MDCK cells

Analysis of calcific deposits in calcifying tendinitis

Biological Effects of Extracorporeal Shock Waves on Fibroblasts. A review

Biological Mechanism of Musculoskeletal Shockwaves

Clinical application of shock wave therapy (SWT) in musculoskeletal disorders

Dose-related effects of shock waves on rabbit tendo achilles

ESWT stimulate oseoblast activities

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the treatment of chronic calcifying tendonitis of the rotator cuff

In vivo biological response to extracorporeal shockwave therapy in human tendinopathy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy promotes cell proliferation and collagen synthesis of primary cultured human tenocytes

Indianapolis full program v3

In-vitro cell treatment with focused shockwaves

in vitro effects of eswt onproliferation and metabolic activity of adult human keratinocytes

Mechanotherapy- revisiting physical therapy and recruiting mechanobiology for a new era in medicine

Medical applications and bioeffects of extracorporeal shock waves

Shock wave as biological therapeutic tool- From mechanical stimulation to recovery and healing, through mechanotransduction

Shock Waves Increase T-cell Proliferation or IL-2 Expression by Activatin p38 MAP Kinase

Soft-focused extracorporeal shock waves increase the expression of tendon-specific markers and the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines

Narrative Review on the Effect of Shockwave Treatment for manageent of upper and lower extremity musculoskeletal conditions

Nitric oxide mediates anti-inflammatory action of extracorporeal shock waves

Shock wave therapy induces neovascularization at the tendon bone junction. A study in rabbits

Shock Wave Treatment Enhances Cell Proliferation and improves wound healing by atp release - coupled extracellular signal regulatedkinase ERK actiavtion

Shockwave therapy differentially stimulates endothelial cells- Implications on the control of inflammation via toll-like receptor 3

Shockwaves increase T-cell proliferation and IL-2 expression through ATP release, P2X7 receptors and FAK activation

The effects of shockwave on systemic concentrations of nitric oxid level, angiogenesis and osteogenesis factors in hip necrosis


Achilles tendinopathy:

Effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for chronic Achilles tendinopathy A randomized clinical trial


Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in inflammatory diseases- molecular mechanism that triggers anti-inflammatory action.


Extracorporeal shockwave therapy as a novel and potential treatment for degenerative cartilage andbone disease osteoarthritis

The Dose-Related Effects of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis - 2015 - Kim et al

The efficacy of shock wave therapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis and popliteal cyamella - 2014 - Chen et al

Bone healing:

Application of ESWT in the treatment of pseudoarthrosis of the lower extremity

Biological mechanism of shockwave in bone

Current concepts of shockwave therapy in stress fractures

ESWT for Resistant Stress Fracture in Athletes

Extracorporeal shock wave treatment for defective nonunion of the radius a rabbit model

Biological effects of extracorporeal shock waves on fibroblasts review

Bone healing induced by ESWT (FSWT - Minilith SL1-STORZ)

Dose-dependent new bone formation by extracorporeal shock wave application on the intact femur of rabbits

Extracorporeal shock wave promotes growth and differentation of bone marrow stromal cells towards osteoprogenitors associated with induction of TGF-B1

Extracorporeal shock wave treatment in nonunions of long bone fractures

Extracorporeal shock waves in the treatment of nonunions

Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy compared with surgery for hypertrophic long bone nonunions

Shock wave therapy of fracture nonunion - 2015 - Alkhawashki

Temporal and spatial expression of bone morphogenetic proteins in extracorporeal shock wave-promoted healing of segmental defect

Treatment for osteonecrosis of teh femoral head - comparison of extracorporeal shock waves with core decompression and bone-grafting

Extracorporeal shock waves stimulate osteoblast activities

Influence of shock waves on fracture healing

Shock Waves in the Treatment of Stress Fractures - 2009 - Moretti et al

The effects of shockwave on bone healing and systemic concentrations of nitric oxide (NO), TGF B1, VEGF and BMP - 2 in long bone non-unions

Treatment of Nonunions of Long Bone Fractures With Shock Waves

Biological effects of extracorporeal shockwave in bone healing a study in rabbits

Bone healing induced by ESWT

Effect of liquid-electric ESWT on treating traumatic avascular necrosis of talus - 2010 - Zhai

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for resistant stress fracture in athletes

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment of Nonunions

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy - A systematic review of its use in fracture management

Pain relief by extracorporeal shockwave therapy - an update on the current understanding

Substance P and Prostaglandin E2 Release after shock wave application to the rabbit femur

The effects of shockwave on systemic concentrations of nitric oxid level, angiogenesis and osteogenesis factors in hip necrosis

Upregulation of VEGF in Subchondral Bone of Necrotic Femoral


Extracorporeal shock wave therapy suppresses the early proinflammatory immune response to a severe cutaneous burn injury

SWT for Management of Burn Scars (2012) Fioramonti


Extracorporeal shock waves therapy in the treatment of trochanteric bursitis A pilot study

Investigating the Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on reducing Chronic Pain in Patients with Pes Anserine Bursitis A Randomized, Clinical- Controlled Trial


Arthroscopy surgery versus shock wave therapy for chronic calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder

Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on the shoulder joint functional status of patients with calcific tendinitis A Meta-Analysis

Clinical Improvement and Resorption of Calcifications in calcific tendinitis of the shoulder after shock wave therapy at 6 monts followup - A systematic review and meta-analysis

Current knowledge on evidence-based shockwave treatments for shoulder pathology

Exact focusing of ESWT for calcifying tendinopathy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for treatment of chronic calcifying tendonitis of the rotator cuff A randomized controlled trial

Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Calcifying Tendinitis of the Shoulder A Meta-Analysis

Shock wave therapy versus conventional surgery in the treatmen of calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder

The role of extracorporeal shockwave treatment in musculoskleletal disorders

Cement - bone interface:

Application of extracorpoereal shock wave lithotripter (ECSWL) in Orthopedics 1 foundations and overview

Complex regional pain:

SWT in management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Dupuytren's disease:

Focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy in Dupuytren’s disease – A hypothesis


Letter about ESWT in lateral epicondylitis

Shock Wave Therapy for Patients with Lateral Epicondylitis of the Elbow

Heel spur:

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for chronic painful heel syndrome - aprospective, double blind, randomized trial assessing the efficacy of a new electromagnetic shock wave device

Hip necrosis:

The effects of shockwave on systematic concentrations of nitric oxide level, angiogenesis and osteogenesis factors in hip necrosis

Interdigital neuroma:

ESWT for Interdigital Neuroma - A RDB PCT - 2009 - Fridman

Knee pain:

FSWT in the management of complex regional pain knee


Extracorporeal shock wave therapy ameliorates secondary lymphedema by promoting lymphangiogenesis

Myositis ossification:

Shock waves in the treatment of post-traumatic myositis ossificans


Angiogenic response to extracorporeal shock wave treatment in murine skin isografts

Shockwave enhanced neovascularization at the tendon bone junction An experiment in dogs 2002 -The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery

Osgood schlatter:

FSWT verzus interferential therapy in the management of Osgood schlatter disease


Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in osteonecrosis of femoral head


Unfocused ESWT as Potential Treatment for Osteoporosis - 2009 - Jagt et al

Patellar tendinopathy:

treatment of patellar tendinopathy with extracorporeal shock wave therapy

Plantar fasciitis:

Clinically relevant effectiveness of focused eswt in treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis

Complications of plantar fascia release

Evaluation of low-energy extracorporeal shock-wave application for treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for plantar fasciitis

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is effective in treating chronic plantar fasciitis

Repetitive low-energy shock wave application without local anesthesia is more efficient than repetitive low energy shock wave application

Shock wave therapy for chronic plantar fasciopathy

treatment of chronic plantar fasciopathy with ESWT

Comparison of ESWT with botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of plantar fasciitis - 2016 - Roca

Effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave treatment in 353 patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. - 2005 - Norris, Eickmeier, Werber

Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis- indications, protocol, intermediate results, and a comparison of results to fasciotomy.

Heel spur abstracts

Shock wave application for chronic plantar fasciitis in running athletes. A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. - 2003 -

Shockwave Therapy for Patients with Plantar Fasciitis

Treatment of Painful Heel Syndrome With Shock Waves

Complications of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in plantar fasciitis-Systematic review

Endoscopic plantar fasciotomy versus extracorporeal shock wave therapy for treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis.

Evaluation of therapeutic effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in resistant plantar fasciitis patients in a tertiary care settings

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in runners with a symptomatic heel spur - 2006 - Moretti et al

High-Energy Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Therapy (ESWT) for the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis.

Shock Wave Application for Chronic Plantar Fasciitis in Running athletes

The use of extracorporeal shock waves in the treatment of heel pain

Pseudoarthrosis and nonunion:

Application of extracorporeal shock wave treatment to enhance spinal fusion-a rabbit experiment

Treatment of nonunions of long bone fractures with shock waves

Comparison of ESWT with botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of plantar fasciitis - 2016 - Roca

Use of extracorporeal shock waves in the treatment of pseudoarthrosis, tendinopathy and other orthopedic diseases

Complications of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in plantar fasciitis-Systematic review


Effects of shock wave therapy in the skin of patients with progressive systemic sclerosis - a pilot study

Extracorporeal shock wave tehrapy alters the expression of fibrosis related molecules in fibroblast derived from human hypertrophic scar

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy an emerging treatment modality for retracting scars of the hands

SWT for Management of Burn Scars (2012) Fioramonti

Shoulder tendinopathy and rotator cuff:

Current knowledge on evidence-based shockwave treatments for shoulder pathology - 2015 - Moya et al

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for chronic calcific tendinitis of the shoulder 2 - 2004 - Cosentino et al

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for treatment of chronic calcifying tendonitis of the rotator cuff A randomized controlled trial

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder - 2011 - Farr et al

shoulder rotator cuff responses to ESWT morphological and immunohistochemical analysis


Comparison of the effect of focused and radial extracorporeal shock waves on spastic equinus in patients with stroke a randomized controlled trial.

Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on gait pattern in hemiplegic cerebral palsy- a randomized controlled trial.

Effect of shock wave stimulation on hypertonic plantar flexor muscles in patients with cerebral palsy - a placebo controlled study

Effects of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Spasticity in Patients after Brain Injury A Meta-analysis. - 2014 - Lee et al

Spinal chord injury:

Low-energy ESWT for promotion of VEGF expression etc. after SCI (2016) Yahata


The efficacy of ultrasound guided extracorporeal shock wave therapy in patients with cervical spondylosis and nuchal ligament calcification


ESWT for tendinopathy_technology and clinical implications

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for treatment of chronic calcifying tendonitis of the rotator cuff A randomized controlled trial

Extracorporeal shock waves promote healing of collagenase-induces Achilles tendinitis and increase TGF-B1 and IGF-I expression

In vivo biological response to extracorporeal shockwave therapy in human tendinopathy

Soft-focused extracorporeal shock waves increase the expression of tendon-specific markers and the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines

Trigger points:

Diagnoses and therapy of myofascial pain syndrome with focused shock waves

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy of gastroc soleus trigger points in patients with plantar fasciitis a randomized placebo controlled trial

The effect of ESWT versus ultrasound therapy in patients with myofascial pain syndrome in trapezius muscle

Update of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Myofascial Pain Syndrome A randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Wound healing:

Dose dependent effect of shock wave therapy on full thickness wound healing - An experimental study - 2015 - Mahran

Antonic (2011) Evidence Supporting Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Acute and Chronic Soft Tissue Wounds

Effect of Shock Waves on the Healing of Partial-Thickness Wounds in Piglets

ESWT for chronic skin ulcers in diabetics patients

Low Energy Shock Wave Therapy Induces Angiogenesis in Acute Hind-Limb Ischemia via VEGF Receptor 2 Phosphorylation - 2014 - Holfeld et a

Shock Wave Treatment Enhances Cell Proliferation and Improves Wound Healing by ATP Release-coupled Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) Activation

ESWT for wound healing - technology, mechanism, and clinical effects

Low-energy ESWT Improves Microcirculation Blood Flow of Ischemic Lims in Patients with PAD - pilot study - 2014 - Tara

ESWT role in Wound care review

Randomized control of extracorporeal shock wave therapy versus placebo for chronic decubitus ulceration

Shock Wave Therapy for Acute and Chronic Soft Tissue Wounds - A Feasibility Study 2007 Journal of Surgical Research

swt dermapace ulcers

The management of neuropathic ulcers of the foot in diabetes by

ulcer dermapace sanuwave

BTL studies:

Short-Term Analgesic Effects of Focused Shockwave Therapy in Common
Orthopedic Diagnoses

Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Chronic Plantar Fasciitis 

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